
COVID-19, Klimawandel, Rassismus, immer mehr Menschen in Not – die humanitäre Hilfe steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Im Podcast des Centre for Humanitarian Action - CHAtroom - kommen Personen aus der humanitären Hilfe zu Wort und erzählen, wie sie sich für sie einsetzen.


Neueste Episoden

CHAtroom#20: CHA24 Special - Climate change, conflict and social inclusion

CHAtroom#20: CHA24 Special - Climate change, conflict and social inclusion

30m 59s

In the third Conference Special we welcome Shashwat Saraf, Regional Emergency Director with the International Rescue Committee (or IRC) in East Africa to the CHAtroom studio and talk about the biggest changes in the humanitarian sector in the last 25years, the relationship between climate change and armed conflict, social inclusion within humanitarian responses and that we shouldn’t see political stability as an essential requirement for working on climate mitigation and adaption.

CHAtroom#19: CHA24 Special - Participation and the lack of trust

CHAtroom#19: CHA24 Special - Participation and the lack of trust

15m 1s

Which role could the private sector play in aligning humanitarian climate action? Ralf Südhoff meets Dr Pınar Okur in our podcast studio at CHA24 to talk about her take aways from the session she facilitated, participation and the lack of trust, and why she brought a cardboard megaphone to the CHAtroom.

CHAtroom#18: CHA24 Special - Climate Change and Conflict

CHAtroom#18: CHA24 Special - Climate Change and Conflict

25m 31s

The countries hit by climate change are often also those getting peace building funding. Ralf Südhoff welcomes Janani Vivekananda, Head of Programme Climate Diplomacy and Security at adelphi to the CHAtroom studio to talk about climate change and conflict dynamics, and how helping communities adapt to climate change can also help reduce the risks of conflict.

CHAtroom #17: Prioritisation in humanitarian action

CHAtroom #17: Prioritisation in humanitarian action

43m 4s

Funding for humanitarian aid is decreasing and the funding gap is at a historic high. At the same time needs are forecasted to further rise by conflict and climate change. This has sparked an international debate on prioritisation. Hugo Slim, Oxford University, has shared highly controversial ideas how donors could refocus their aid. In this podcast Ralf Südhoff discusses with the former ICRC Head of Policy, why he believes political angles, proximity and good governance should become criteria for the allocation of humanitarian aid, even if this contradicts its principles to be neutral, impartial and independent.