CHAtroom #10 - New warfare, new humanitarian action


160 Jahre nach Henri Dunants Buch über die Schlacht von Solferino, das für den modernen Humanitarismus grundlegend wurde, hat Dr. Hugo Slim eine Reflexion über neue Kriegsführung, Cyberkriege und ihre Bedeutung für die dringend erforderliche Reform des humanitären Sektors geschrieben. Darüber sprechen wir in der zehnten Episode des CHAtroom.

Dr. Hugo Slim ist ein britischer Akademiker und Politikberater im Fachbereich Internationale Beziehungen, der sich auf Kriegsethik und humanitäre Hilfe spezialisiert hat. Er schreibt über den Charakter moderner Konflikte, den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung und die Ethik der humanitären Hilfe. Derzeit ist er Senior Research Fellow am Las Casas Institute for Social Justice, Blackfriars Hall, Universität Oxford und an der Blavatnik School of Government.

Zitate: “The warfare most humanitarian aid workers are working in today […] is not the war that military planners and great powers today are preparing for. That is a massive war.”

“This big war is not only going to be on land, sea and air, it is moving into new domains of outer space, cyber space and information space.”

“We [as a humanitarian sector] need to raise our eyes and look at the big war of the future as well as the wars we are in today.”

“We will have to think much more about massive casualties and massive displacement. And we will need to work out what are the ethics, norms and laws to regulate AI based weaponry and weapon of mass destruction. And we have to work on our own practice: What does it mean for us to become a much more AI based profession as well.”

“The principles do, neutrality does hinder localisation to some degree, because it is used as an excuse very often by a more powerful international system.” “People have a right to humanitarian self-determination.”

“We need a simpler aid, we need to focus much more. […] In a way, humanitarianism has absorbed the whole of the human rights agenda […] they are becoming utopian.”

Links: Hugo Slim Bücher: Solferino 21 – Warfare, Civilians and Humanitarians in the Twenty-First Century Humanitarian Ethics: The Morality of Aid in War and Disaster und Killing Civilians: Method, Madness and Morality in War. Twitter: @HSlim_Oxford

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